Saturday, November 27, 2010


Clearly in this photo- my kitchen is, well, not really there. I've been working in my new little place whenever I can and the kitchen demolition/renovation is taking much longer than I thought but I sure am learning a lot. I had hoped to be back in the studio by the first of December but without a functioning kitchen, it's a little difficult to stop to sit down and paint (although sometimes I really want to!) I was showing a friend some sign photos last night and realized even more how much I'm missing painting Sunnygirl Signs. So I'm working and hoping that I will finish- sometime soon-  My goal now I think, is to be ready for the Fox School show in May- if it's before then I'll certainly write. and I'll write more along the way anyway just so you know I'm still around. Really BIG thank you for your patience and understanding-  xxx
p.s. I'm planning on returning to Ashland Coffee and Tea as well but for now, Shelley Whittington has some beautiful paintings there-

Friday, August 6, 2010

longing and hoping

As you can see by the time of this post, things continue to be hectic, busy, boxed, but wonderful, refreshing and coming together all at the same time.  The photo here is of the front door to my new building- it also symbolizes new beginnings and a new life!  I have spent the last couple of months moving from my small town and a very big house, back to the big city to a very small house!  It has taken more time that I could've imagined- it seems it's been quite the year for that.  However, it means that I haven't painted in months- I miss it terribly and as I unpack the boxes with my brushes and paints and store my wood lovingly down in the basement storage, I realize how much I am ready to work again.
So, thank you for your patience and understanding.
I will be back in the studio just as soon as I can!

Monday, June 7, 2010

wishing for the studio

Wishing for the studio-yes, absolutely.  As you can see by the date of my last post, I unfortunately haven't  been painting for some time now-the photo posted here are two signs- in progress and so, I suppose that's the place I'm in as well.
I've had to take a break from painting for a little while and in fact, missed two favorite spring art shows. I'm moving from Ashland and as you can imagine, things have been incredibly busy BUT, I will be back in the studio again-I'm hoping by August.  I still have a couple of special orders to complete but until then, I won't be taking requests as I will be packing, moving, renovating, decorating and hopefully sleeping just a little!  You're welcome to order if you like but it may be a while.  Just wanted to share.  Thanks to all of my very favorite and patient customers. oxoxox

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Multi-colored letters!

So, I've taken a tiny break (only lasted a couple of days!) from all of the special orders, to let a little of my own creativity show again-I've missed it although I do love painting for others, clearly!
What do you think? How do the multi-colored letters feel instead of all one color?  The 'fun' sign will be auctioned as a fundraiser for John M. Gandy
Elementary school in mid-April and 'vivacious' is currently on the wall at the Ashland Coffee and Tea, or at least it was when I was there on Sunday! Happy Spring!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Working, working, working!

After working to catch up on some special orders (and they're not all finished yet!), I figured I'd better work on some ideas of my own for the Sunnygirl Sign wall at Ashland Coffee and Tea.  It's been almost empty for far too long now-so I'm here in the studio on this beautiful sunny day, music playing and painting as fast as I can in hopes to hang at least a few on the wall before tonight's music begins.
If you have any thoughts or suggestions for new words, I'm always interested! Some new words on their way: vivacious, zany, lucky, melodic, industrious, debonair, dashing...send me some of yours, won't you?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Special Orders 2010

My first group of special orders for the new year  are done -terrific! I had almost forgotten the feeling of finishing a special order and then seeing my customer's reaction to it- their creation come to life-it's the most wonderful, the truest joy that comes from this little business.  It makes all of the late nights, blurry eyes, cold fingers and too many cups of coffee very worth it all. Oh yes, absolutely. So, tomorrow, I am super excited to continue on, to the eleven orders that are waiting.  I can't wait to see the next happily surprised face...
it will be
very soon!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's the New Year-back in the studio again!

How to begin this blog entry?  Wow-it's been too long, far too long since I've been in the studio much less updating this blog and as I write this, I realize how very much I've missed it!
At the beginning of December, a family emergency caused me to leave work, the studio and the routine of everyday life for almost three weeks-I'm just fine but now, catching up from being away has been more of a challenge that I could have imagined.  Time passes so quickly-
Nearly seventeen special orders on hold-an enormous thank-you to all of my very kind and understanding customers, some of you still waiting with only one cancelled order that couldn't be helped (to France-of course!). 
I am the luckiest girl on the planet.  Not to mention that the wall at Ashland Coffee and Tea looks very bare but...
Not to worry!  I'm back in the studio, painting furiously and wonderfully, trying my best to catch up.  
It feels amazing.

Sunnygirl Sign-done and ready to mail!


Thanks so much for visiting my blog! Please let me know if you have any questions. I hope to paint for you sometime really soon!